All resolutions are good resolutions

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Resolutions Checklist

As we are approaching mid-month it might be time to review the new resolutions that were made to begin the new year. Some of those could include the following:

1. a healthier diet

2. a new exercise program 3. enrollment in a self-im

3. enrollment in a self-improvement course

4. learning a new skill— music lessons, golf, square dance, etc.,

5. gardening project for spring 6. cleaning a closet in or

6. cleaning a closet in order to donate used clothing

7. getting more sleep

8. getting better organized

9. resolve to be more patient, and more thoughtful.

10. determination to keep the new resolutions.

Briggs Community Center

The community center will be holding a Market Days event on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. The first one is scheduled for the fourth Saturday in January—the 22nd. The time is 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

Booths are available for $10.00. Vendors who wish to reserve a booth may do so by calling 512-556-1471.


Yoga sessions are available at the Oakalla Community Center. The time is Friday morning at 8:00. One need only bring a mat, a bottle of water and a small donation for the instructor.

The classes are sponsored by the Oakalla Library and the number to call for more information is 512-525-3864. Dutch Oven Cookoff

Dutch Oven Cookoff

The annual Dutch Oven Cookoff at the Oakalla Library will be held on the first Saturday in February. It’s about time make plans for that event. More specific information will be available in future columns.

Mahomet Christian Church. Anyone interested in learning more about the church’s rebuilding plans or wishing to make a donation, can do so by writing to P. O. Box 464, Bertram, TX 78605.

If you have news or photos, please contact me at by Saturday, January 15.