New Year’s Day means new year resolution

  • Fran Jones/ Burnet Bulletin Grab the pen and paper; it’s time for new year resolutions.
    Fran Jones/ Burnet Bulletin Grab the pen and paper; it’s time for new year resolutions.
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    Alt Text for Image

Coffee on the Bridge

A nice way to begin the new year is to have coffee with friends and neighbors on the Russell Fork historic bridge. The time is 8 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 1, 2022.

A New Year – 2022

It’s that time again. Many of us look at the upcoming new year in terms of a new beginning. Many people make resolutions (and hope to keep some of them).

Many organizations make plans for programs to be implemented in the upcoming year. However, some groups and organizations have a different year-ending month and aren’t as affected by a January 1 date. An example of that is the public school calendar which usually begins in August.

In past years I have know of many families who spent the last days of December doing major housecleaning. All rugs, linens, closets, etc., needed to be sparkling clean to start the new year. Mahomet Church

Mahomet Church

A new beginning is underway there as the congregation makes plans for a new building. Anyone interested in learning about the plans or who might wish to make a donation can do so by writing to Mahomet Christian Church, P. O. Box 464, Bertram, TX 78605.

If you have news or photos, please contact me at by Saturday, Jan. 1.