Prepare to dig in for cedar fever season

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  • Tuesday night at Oakalla Library’s Art Hour, artists recycled discarded books for the art of book folding. They made hedgehogs. Contributed
    Tuesday night at Oakalla Library’s Art Hour, artists recycled discarded books for the art of book folding. They made hedgehogs. Contributed

Many of us are very aware that a lot of our local cedar trees are looking a bit orange. Some of these trees send out clouds of orange when the wind blows just right.

We are also dragging out home remedies and allergy medicines and some of them work a little bit.

After a few weeks the trees will be all green again and our sneezing and watery eyes can return to normal.

New Year, New Beginnings

At the time of a new year we tend to look for new resolutions and projects. According to some I have spoken with and to some items in news and opinion columns, it seems that everyone is hopeful for the 2022 year.

Having to cope with COVID for the past two years has been trying in many ways.

People being sick, trying to take precautions, dealing with school situations and shopping for groceries has been difficult.

Statements that the pandemic will lessen, that there will be less violence and that people will act with more kindness are things that inspire hope for a better year.

Briggs Community Center

The Community Center will hold a pot luck dinner at their regular meeting on Monday, January 10. The time is 6:00 p.m. Bring your favorite dishes.

Community Center President Crystal Kinsey reports that a Market Days is in the works to be held twice each month. For those wishing to have a booth at the market there will be a $10.00 charge. Further information will be forthcoming in future columns and a number to contact for more information is 512-556-1471.

Acoustic Night

The date and time is Saturday, January 15 at 6:30 p.m. Bring your instruments, your voices and your friends to the

Briggs Community Center for a fun night of music and fellowship.


If getting into Yoga is one of the things that is planned for the new year, sessions are being held at the Oakalla Community Center. The time is 8:00 a.m. Bring a mat, a bottle of water and a small donation and join the group.

The Oakalla Library is sponsoring Yoga and more information can be obtained by calling 512-525-3864.

Oakalla Library Classes

Story Time and Crafts continue on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. and Art Classes are held at 6:30 p.m. Librarian Tricia Pratt says that they will be studying some new artists.

If you have news or photos, please email me at by Saturday, January 8.