BCISD unveils new student activity center

  • Student Activity Center next door to Bulldog Stadium has a number of features. By Wayne Craig/Clear Memories
    Student Activity Center next door to Bulldog Stadium has a number of features. By Wayne Craig/Clear Memories
  • (From left, first row) Ross Behrens, Angela Moore, Suzanne Brown, Andy Field, Robby Robertson, Mark Kincaid; (second row) Clay Goehring, Earl Foster, Keith McBurnett, Michele Gilmore, Calen Shearer and; (third row) Kurt Jones, Matt Busceme, Josh Albro, Charlie Goble and Dr. Rachel Jones. Contributed photo/BCISD
    (From left, first row) Ross Behrens, Angela Moore, Suzanne Brown, Andy Field, Robby Robertson, Mark Kincaid; (second row) Clay Goehring, Earl Foster, Keith McBurnett, Michele Gilmore, Calen Shearer and; (third row) Kurt Jones, Matt Busceme, Josh Albro, Charlie Goble and Dr. Rachel Jones. Contributed photo/BCISD
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BCISD held its open house for the new student activity center last week officially marking the completion of the indoor facility. The details of the facility are impressive, and the components of the complex will severe the student population at Burnet well. Pictured above is the newly completed weightroom which is surrounded by glass on both sides and has rows of workout stations for numerous athletes to be able to utilize. One side overlooks BHS stadium and the other overlooks the indoor turf area. Numerous students and athletes have used the facilities over the summer and starting this week two-a-day participants will take advantage of the complex. Photo by Wayne Craig/Clear Memories


Several Burnet Consolidated Independent School District board trustees and officials participated during the ribbon-cutting ceremony July 24 to mark the opening of the new Student Activity Center next door to Bulldog Stadium.

(From left, first row) Ross Behrens, Angela Moore, Suzanne Brown, Andy Field, Robby Robertson, Mark Kincaid; (second row) Clay Goehring, Earl Foster, Keith McBurnett, Michele Gilmore, Calen Shearer and; (third row) Kurt Jones, Matt Busceme, Josh Albro, Charlie Goble and Dr. Rachel Jones.