Burnet County Republican Women meet election integrity director

  • Contributed photos/Diane Brummell Melissa Conway, RPT/RNC Texas Election Integrity State Director, was the presenter for the meeting.
    Contributed photos/Diane Brummell Melissa Conway, RPT/RNC Texas Election Integrity State Director, was the presenter for the meeting.
  • BCRW “Tribute to Women” Honorees were outgoing Burnet County Clerk Janet Parker and Burnet County Republican Chairwoman Kara Chasteen.
    BCRW “Tribute to Women” Honorees were outgoing Burnet County Clerk Janet Parker and Burnet County Republican Chairwoman Kara Chasteen.
  • Pct. 2 Burnet County Commissioner Damon Beierle and Republican Pct. 2 Chairwoman Linda Stewart were among attendees.
    Pct. 2 Burnet County Commissioner Damon Beierle and Republican Pct. 2 Chairwoman Linda Stewart were among attendees.

The Burnet County Republican Women met recently to kick off the campaign season with guest speaker Melissa Conway, RPT/ RNC Texas Election Integrity State Director.

She had an update on Texas Election Integrity efforts and encouraged everyone to register Republicans to vote and educate conservative voters to vote for every candidate on the ballot.

Mary Jane Avery, BCRW, President announced their Texas Federation Republican Women “Tribute to Women” honorees were Janet Parker, Burnet County Clerk and Kara Chasteen, Burnet County Republican Party Chair. They were scheduled to be honored at a TFRW luncheon on Saturday, September 18 in Georgetown.